Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Look at the Birdie!

At least once a winter, I find myself sitting at the big picture windows in our living room and staring at our bird feeder and a suet cake that hangs in a hickory tree near our deck.  Today has been that day! 

I ventured out to fill the feeder earlier.  Temps are in the mid-20s, but for the first time in several days, we have had a touch of sun - and no ice or snow.  More is forecast for tomorrow...and I have to wonder if the birds know something about this, because they seem to be doing the avian version
of "rushing to the store for milk and bread"!
 For a few days now, we've enjoyed the visits of Pine Warblers...beautiful yellow-headed males and their less colorful mates - their striped tales and wings providing a vivid contrast to the sunny hue atop their heads.  Sadly, they are not the friendliest of birds and prefer NOT to share at the feeder with others...so frequent squabbles ensue.  Wings fly and other birds dart and dash and hope to sneak a few seconds - and a black sunflower seed - in the process!
The Purple Finches - a favorite of my grandmother's - have delighted with their subtle reds and muted burgundy tones.  And then there was the sweet fat Mourning Dove that waddled underneath the feeder and picked up what others had dropped. She has a gentle peacefulness as she quietly collects the sunflower seeds from the grass.

I've always been a fan of the woodpeckers...both the "Downy" and the Red-bellied (which has a brilliant red head and what I suppose is a red belly!).  I was unable to get pictures today of the elusive Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and the even more shy Pileated Woodpecker who hung out in a tree just out of camera range.  Ditto for the male Cardinals that are often so prevalent...although a female did visit for awhile.
There were Wrens, Juncos, and Chickadees...and a really "regal" little Tufted Titmouse who perched atop the feeder for a while.  In all, these tiny feathered creatures gathered to remind me of God's blessings...how He provides for even the least of His creatures - and how He cares so much for them that He crowns them with indescribable beauty and color in each and every feather.  
Surely the God who loves little songbirds so much - and uses them to bless my day - cares at least that much for me.  I am quite positive that this is so!  
"Look at the birds! They don’t worry about what to eat—they don’t need to sow or reap or store up food—for your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are.is so...and I am thankful for the chance to spend an hour with Him appreciating His handiwork."  - Matthew 6:26 (The Living Bible)