The Medicare nightmare is hopefully over... for me and Mam-ma Polly, at least! The story today was that CignatureRx was missing a digit in my grandmother's Social Security number... the same number I must have recanted at least 90,000 times in the last week alone!
At any rate, my hat is off to Donna Kyle, the Arkansas rep for Medicare in Dallas. She stayed on this with a vengeance until it was resolved, phoning me many times and keeping me abreast of developments. Mam-ma's pharmacist was able to go back and re-file all of her claims for January this afternoon -- and all came back with the appropriate co-payment!
So, what was a bill in the neighborhood of nearly $200 yesterday is today a bill of less than $10. And all it took was a month of phone calls and frustration, and letters to the Governor and our Congressmen! The pharmacist pointed out that this was one of some 2000 seniors he's dealt with this year who are struggling with their new prescription drug plan. I told him, "One down, 1999 to go!" For my part, I am just so grateful to my friend who directed me to the politicians, and those in Governor Huckabee's office who actually read my letter and followed through.