Thursday, January 12, 2006
Meet Sean, aka Murph. He has been in my Sunday School class since 8th grade... he's now in 10th. I would have to say that of all the kids in Sunday School, Murph is the most faithful... he almost NEVER misses. I think that's pretty awesome! And actually, he's just a really cool guy. He also knows quite a bit about the Bible, and he likes to ask me questions that make me think and send me digging for answers!
Murph is into poetry. Some is happy, some is introspective, and some is dark. But it's all good. Here's one of his poems:
My heart fears to be hurt again, with all the tears that it's bled.
All the scars that it has to take.
My heart's been broken, and sometimes thrown around like a puppet that is just being used.
My soul feels weak from the people making fun of my belief.
Tell me who or who not to like, as if I choose that person, it would be a sin.
Why do humans ask "Why" and not just do.
Why must we think we can choose who dies or who lives... who is cool or who is the loser.
Who gets together or who will be alone.
The truth is that we are all blinded by the darkness that tells us to hate and how to think.
Who to look at and who to leave alone... who to kill and who to not.
You rock, Murph! Way to go!