February 18th was one of those rare winter days when the temperatures reached about 75 degrees. We took advantage of the day, packed a picnic lunch, and headed out on a hike. We walked down the access road to Mossy Bluff Trail and entered the back side of DamSite Park. Lunch was eaten near the marina, and then we hiked on over to Trouble Island. Hard to believe all of this was under water as recently as last July and August!
We "made an afternoon" of it and had a great time. The park was fairly deserted - we pretty well had the place to ourselves - our own private rec area! BTW - in case you can't tell, we just got a new camera, and we are having FUN learning to take pictures with it!
In fairness to Lucy, and since she was not included in the photos with Mabel the other day, I am posting some of her now. She is not a big fan of having her photo made, so I felt lucky to get these!