Greg snapped these photos of a pileated woodpecker feasting at our suet cake on Wednesday. We see one quite often - possibly this same bird. He is amazing... and very big! Keep in mind, the suet cake cage is about 5" x 6"!
It's been wayyyy to long since I've updated this blog. Been busy with Christmas, antiques, and getting my grandmother admitted to an Assisted Living Facility, with a little Timothy time and "life" thrown in as well. We have now had two nice snows...each about 4" or so. The bluff is beautiful in snowfall... and more is predicted.
We're enjoying watching the birds... have a pileated woodpecker who is frequenting our suet cake with the downy and hairy woodpeckers. The cardinals are always fun, and we're having quite a few pine warblers. Greg is staying busy keeping sunflower seeds in the feeder!