Saturday, January 31, 2009

5th Grade Girls Basketball - January 31, 2009

Our niece Erin and her team played Vilonia this morning - they won their game: 8-4. Good job, girls! As always, click on any photo to see larger size!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Ice Storm - Rounds 2 and 3 - Jan. 28-29, 2009

We woke Wednesday morning to beautiful sunshine that gave way to clouds off and on. But it provided us with some gorgeous sparkling scenery! The "bent cedar" tree is starting to straighten - slowly but surely. We lost a lot of ice in the trees Thursday afternoon - I was out running errands with my grandmother, but Greg said it sounded like a hail storm, and the ground was covered in ice as if someone had dumped the contents of a crushed ice machine! There is still a little ice in the trees, but it is falling, temps are warming, and we are counting our blessings that we never lost power - at least not in our neighborhood. We know others didn't fare as well, and we hope and pray they get back to normal quickly.

If you are wondering why all the pictures of Mabel and none of Lucy, it's because she and Greg got up early Wednesday morning and went into his office, where Greg snapped most of these photos. Lucy was still snoozing - her favorite activity! Note that Mabel is licking the Bible on Greg's desk! As always, click on any photo to enlarge it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Storm - Round 1 - January 27, 2009

We woke to an icy fairy-land scene, complete with downed cedar tree branches in the back yard. By the middle of the afternoon, the top of another cedar was completely gone. The ice is thickening as the afternoon progresses, and we are expecting more freezing rain, sleet, and even snow overnight tonight. So far, we have power. We lost Internet for awhile, but for now it is back. We are praying that we do not lose power and no trees fall on our house!